Babe Ruth was not an orphan
Contrary to a popular misconception, Babe Ruth was not an orphan, despite having attended an orphanage while growing up. According to some reports, a worried neighbor informed the police that a child was living there after a gunfight broke out in the family's saloon, which was owned by his father, George, Sr., and was located below the family's apartment.
Following that, the courts sent little Ruth back to Baltimore's St. Mary's Industrial School for Orphans, Delinquents, Incorrigibles, and Wayward Boys. It is believed that his parents would occasionally have him temporarily released, but because of his crazy conduct, he would soon be taken back.
According to other sources, including Ken Burns' Baseball documentary, Ruth was reportedly taken to an orphanage at the age of 7 due to nothing more than his out-of-control conduct and his abusive father's inability to control him. Whatever the reason, Ruth attended the school intermittently up until the age of 19, when he signed as a pitcher with the Baltimore Orioles of the minor league. "He is going to join the Balt." is the last entry in his school file.