In 1988, when the Olympic flag landed in Barcelona, an unlikely - yet interesting - musical duo was born. The famed Spanish operatic singer Montserrat Caballé joined forces with the flamboyant leader of rock band Queen - Freddie Mercury - to help commemorate the start of another Olympics. When 'Barcelona' was released, it was a smash hit, peaking at No. 8 on the UK Chart. And it reached its golden era at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, when the two artists performed it during the ceremony.
How did this collaboration come true? Freddie Mercury has always adored opera, and 'Barcelona' reflects his life-long dream of performing side by side with an opera singer and a full orchestra. In 1986, he expressed on Spanish television his desire to meet Caballé, a legend whom he had long respected. They met the next year; and when the country was selected to host the 1992 Summer Games, Caballé was charged with writing the games' theme song.
She enlisted the assistance of her new buddy Fred Mercury. Together they made this song and the accompanying album. The rest, as they say, is history.
Artist: Freddie Mercury, Montserrat Caballé
Album: Barcelona
Release year: 1987