
With its flagship in the heart of Cambridge, barismo caters to locals. This lab-style coffee bar has little space to linger, but the fresh coffee, brewed one cup at a time, is what draws most customers in. The company takes pride in its open sourcing and meticulous attention to detail during the roasting and brewing processes. The friendly baristas are experts in their field and are always eager to talk shop. There are also barismos in East Arlington and Woburn, which are ideal for commuters.
Aficionados enjoy Barismo. This lab-style coffeeshop has little space to linger, but the fresh coffee, brewed one cup at a time, is what draws most customers in. The company takes pride in its open sourcing and meticulous attention to detail during the roasting and brewing processes. The friendly baristas are experts in their field and are always eager to talk shop.
Google rating: 4.0/5.0
Address: 169 Massachusetts AveArlington02474
Contact: 339-368-7300