Barnes & Noble Nook
Barnes & Noble Nook is a popular online platform for reading Japanese light novels in English. The site was developed by Barnes & Noble and launched in 2009. It quickly gained popularity among fans of Japanese literature, especially those interested in the Boys' Love (BL) genre.
Barnes & Noble Nook offers a range of BL novels, including romance, drama, and comedy, which are translated into English by a team of professional translators. The site's popularity can be attributed to its user-friendly interface, vast collection of novels, and compatibility with a variety of devices.
As of 2021, Barnes & Noble Nook receives an average of 1 million visitors per month, making it one of the most popular sites for reading Japanese light novels in English. The platform has also expanded its offerings to include audiobooks, magazines, and newspapers.
Founded: 2009
Founder: Barnes & Noble
Headquarters: New York City, New York
Official website: