Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano (St. Peter's Basilica)
The Apostle, who is thought to have been the first Bishop of Rome and thus the first Pope, is honored in St. Peter's, the most well-known church in all of Christendom. The first St. Peter's Church, which was constructed under the patronage of Emperor Constantine, was dedicated in 326. Pope Nicholas V made the decision to construct a brand-new church in 1452, but it wasn't finished until the late 18th century.
The enormous interior of the basilica is home to Michelangelo's famed Pietà, which was finished in 1500 and is protected by a reinforced glass panel. The beautifully decorated Chapel of the Sacrament, which features artwork by both Bernini and Borromini (for the bronze grille and tabernacle, respectively), as well as the massive dome created by Michelangelo, are further attractions of St. Peter's. Be sure to view the beloved bronze statue of St. Peter Enthroned and the Papal altar with a bronze baldacchino (canopy), which Bernini created when he was just 25 years old and is a masterpiece of Baroque sculpture, over the tomb of St. Peter. Famous Popes' tombs, including those by Bernini and other notable artists of his era, are located in the left aisle. The crypt has more papal tombs.