Batman is an American comic book superhero, created by author Bill Finger and illustrator Bob Kane for DC Comics. Batman made his debut in Detective Comics vol. 27, published May 1939. Since then, he has featured in a variety of comics, caricatures, and novels. Batman also appears in a theatrical live-action show and a highly praised animated series. There are video games and cinematic franchises about him as well.
The background of Batman - which had not been disclosed to fans until the character's eighth appearance in the comic book, has become a well-known story. While rich doctor Thomas Wayne, his spouse Martha, and their baby son Bruce were exiting a Gotham City cinema after a nightly screening, they were attacked by a robber wielding a gun. Dr. Wayne tried to defend his lady, but the panicked shooter assassinated both of them in front of their frightened son. The bereaved child vowed to spend the remainder of his life "warring on all criminals" in order to avenge his parents' deaths.
Bruce mused over a crime-fighting masquerade that would terrify lawbreakers, after years of perfecting his intellect and physique. Then he saw a bat fluttering through an apartment window. The final caption of this story read, "And so is born this strange vengeance of the dark...this vengeance of evil. Batman."
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