Batman is a superhero that appears in DC Comics' American comic books. The character made its debut on March 30, 1939, in the 27th issue of the comic book Detective Comics, which was written and illustrated by Bob Kane. Bruce Wayne, a well-off American playboy, philanthropist, and industrialist who lives in Gotham City, is known as Batman in the DC Universe timeline. After witnessing the murder of his parents Thomas and Martha, who were robbed and shot in front of an eight-year-old Bruce, Batman's origin story shows him pledging revenge against criminals, tempered by the concept of justice. He develops his mental and physical capabilities, creates a persona based on a bat, and keeps watch over Gotham's streets at night.
Bruce Wayne is named after two real people: "Mad" Anthony Wayne, a Civil War general, and Scottish king Robert the Bruce. While the latter overcame Detroit, the former fought for Scottish independence. They shared the accomplishment of overpowering the English. The "Prince of Gotham" is a descendant of his namesakes rather than simply being based on them.
Bruce was the name Bill Finger and co-creator Bob Kane gave the billionaire in Batman and Me to suggest he was a member of the aristocracy. (The king's Anglo-Norman last name, de Bruce, was distorted into Robert the Bruce.) Meanwhile, the comic books make specific reference to Batman's biological connection to Anthony Wayne. In truth, the general formerly owned Wayne Manor, which was constructed on land he obtained from George Washington.
Publisher: DC Comics
First appearance: Detective Comics #27(cover-dated May 1939; published March 30, 1939)[1]
Created by: Bob Kane, Bill Finger