Beckers Group
Beckers Group is a company focused on coatings for industrial metal and plastic surface treatments. The company is owned by AB Wilh Becker, belongs to Lindén Group since 1985, and was officially founded in 2012 by Becker Industrial Coatings. The head office locates in Berlin.
Dating back over 150 years, Beckers is a pioneer in providing unique, high-quality solutions that answer coating needs across many sectors. They are a solid global company, present in 24 locations in 18 countries. With more than 1,800 employees, they are always ready to help their customers expand their horizons. They are constantly searching for new ways to improve offers and raise our customers’ competitiveness while protecting people and the planet.
They have two key laboratories. A Long Term Development laboratory in the United Kingdom with target develop the coil coating markets (high-coverage and textured topcoats), polyester and polyurethane-based coatings, and multilayer systems that feature alternative chemistries. And a Long Term Research laboratory in Sweden, dedicated respectively to coil coatings and industrial paints. Beckers’ research teams are dedicated to reducing environmental impact, improving performance, and increasing durability.
Coatings sales in million EUR: 580
Address: Wilh. Becker Holding, GmbHKurfürstendamm, 5710707 Berlin, Germany
Phone Number: +49 30 770190710