Being Drunk and Then Committing Massive Fraud
There is an adage that suggests drinking a shot of liquid courage before undertaking a risky task. It simply refers to a fast alcoholic beverage to calm your worries and boost your confidence. Although some people report success with it, you generally don't want your doctor to be one of them.
When Marco Antonio Chavez lost his license for working while intoxicated, he was a psychiatrist in San Diego. The man wasn't a teetotaler either; he was charged with downing two 8-ounce glasses of mixed vodka and cloves, or one pint.
That amounts to just over ten normal shots. He asserted that the beverages, which he had begun at six in the morning, were intended to stop him from drinking because of how awful they tasted. All of that occurred in 2018. Chavez made headlines once more in 2020 for scamming Tricare, a business that handles healthcare benefits for military personnel. He was required to return more than $783,000.