Bhrikuti Tara (Yellow Tara)

Yellow Tara (Bhrikuti Tara) is a significant female deity in Buddhist traditions, particularly Vajrayana Buddhism. She embodies various qualities and attributes, often associated with wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Yellow Tara is often depicted with a golden or yellow complexion, radiating a sense of richness and luxury. Adorned with the presence of Amoghasiddhi in her crown, she stands portrayed with a pair of hands. Immortal in her youthful visage and adorned with shining jewels, she gracefully forms the varada mudra with her right hand while cradling a delicate blue utpala blossom on her left.

Devotees seek her blessings for material and spiritual affluence, including cultivating positive qualities and virtues. In some interpretations, Yellow Tara's blessings are believed to bring physical well-being and alleviate ailments.

In certain Buddhist cultures, Yellow Tara is also viewed as a form of the goddess of wealth and abundance. She is believed to swiftly respond to the needs and aspirations of practitioners, especially in matters related to wealth and prosperity. This makes her essential in rituals and practices focused on attaining material and financial well-being.

It's important to note that interpretations and practices related to Yellow Tara can vary among different Buddhist lineages and cultural contexts. While not as widely known as some other Tara forms, Yellow Tara holds a distinct place within the spectrum of female deities in Buddhism, particularly for those seeking blessings of prosperity and abundance.

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