Bicentennial Monument
The three pairs of sprawling white wings of the Bicentennial Monument are simply bricked up at the roundabout between the 5th of June and Liberation Avenue. Striking as they are, they inevitably make all viewers speculate about the significance of this elegant, geometric work of art.
The Bicentennial Monument, also known as the 'Moniman trwa lezel' (Three Wings Monument) in Creole, was built in 1978 to commemorate the city of Victoria's 200th anniversary. Mahé...was built. As a branch of the King, it was founded in 1778 by the Frenchman Charles Routier de Romainville. The monument was designed by Lorenzo Appiani, an Italian artist who lived in Seychelles.
The three wings indicate the ethnic origins of the Seychelles population, which can be regarded as a happy blend of ethnic groups from three continents (Africa, Europe, and Asia). The wings could also represent the islands' earliest discoverers. Of course, there are birds. Bicentennial Monument is the third most beautiful historical site in Seychelles.
Location: Victoria, Seychelles.