The last website on our list is Biology Online - a great website that provides access to information about biology for anyone who is interested, including students, educators, scientists, life science professionals, and others. The site was created in 2001 to educate and raise awareness about biology by providing free access to foundational information in biological sciences. Since then has been one of the most comprehensive databases of biology terms, tutorials, and articles in the world, with over 33 million annual visitors.
The simplicity of's design and its content delivery have brought critical acclaim. Users can easily find information quickly and effectively. All the site's biology terms and tutorials have been produced by trained biologists who follow editorial guidelines. Furthermore, these were vetted and refined by the community of 285,000 members. In addition, to ensure that the content provided is up-to-date, readable, verified, and useful, an advisory board of scientists and biology educators directs the site's editorial direction. Financial and editorial partners also collaborate to bring the breadth and depth of biology-related content to the site.
Moreover, feedback is appreciated to improve the information presented. Therefore, while using the website, if you have any comments, suggestions, or ideas for partnership, feel free to contact the website at any time! Offering free access to foundational information in biological sciences, with over 75,000 biology terms and tutorials, Biology Online is for sure a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about biology.
Website's total visits: 989.8K
(Numbers as of April 2023 from