Black Lightning (2018-)
Black Lightning is a Salim Akil-created American superhero drama television series that began on The CW on January 16, 2018, and ended on May 24, 2021. It is based on the same-named character created by Tony Isabella and Trevor Von Eeden and featured in DC Comics magazines.
Jefferson Pierce, the principal of Garfield High School in Freeland, Georgia, is the center of the series. He was a superhero known as Black Lightning for nine years until he left due to the damage his life was doing to his ex-wife Lynn Stewart and daughters Anissa and Jennifer. When The 100, Freeland's most feared criminal organization led by Tobias Whale, was threatening to take over the city, Jefferson was forced to return to his former identity as Black Lightning.
Detailed Information:
Genre: Superhero, Drama, Action
Created by: Salim Akil
Starring: Cress Williams, China Anne McClain, Nafessa Williams, Christine Adams
No. of seasons: 4
No. of episodes: 58