Black or White
"Black or White" is a compelling Yaoi manga that delves into the world of show business and the complexities of love. The story revolves around Himemiya Shin, a determined emerging actor who is consistently typecast as a villain despite his true nature as a caring and closeted gay individual. His boyfriend, Tatebayashi Kazushige, is his polar opposite, an aspiring actor who always wanted to attend college but found himself drawn into the world of entertainment and became an actor.
As the narrative unfolds, it explores the intertwining secrets and challenges faced by the two protagonists within the show business industry, gradually unraveling their mysterious love affair. The manga intriguingly navigates the contrast between their public personas and private lives, offering a unique exploration of fame, perception, and romance within the Yaoi genre.
- Author(s) : Sachimo
- Genres: Drama, Romance, Slice of life, Smut, Yaoi
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 9.5
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