BookWalker is your ultimate destination for official digital manga straight from Japan. This platform, managed by Kadokawa, is a go-to destination for manga fans, especially those who adore shojo manga. BookWalker offers an extensive collection of manga titles from some of the most renowned publishers globally, including VIZ, Kodansha, Yen Press, and more.
While BookWalker occasionally features free titles each month, its primary focus is on paid content. The unique advantage here is that when you purchase a manga on BookWalker, it becomes a permanent part of your collection.
With every purchase on BookWalker, you'll also earn coins in your account, which can be redeemed for future purchases. Moreover, BookWalker features a membership ranking system that rewards higher rankings with even more coins every time you buy a manga.
The platform offers ease-to-use navigation, enabling you to explore manga by categories, genres, publishers, or even your favorite authors. For shojo manga fans seeking a legal, organized, and user-friendly platform to immerse themselves in captivating Japanese comics, BookWalker is your gateway to an enchanting world of Japanese manga.
- A vast selection of manga and light novels from VIZ, Kodansha, Yen
- EBook deals and free previews of manga chapters
- Good membership benefits
- Mostly paid manga and light novels