Bruce Willis
Bruce Willis' career began in the 1980s television series Moonlighting, when he starred as detective David Addison. He established himself as a legitimate cinema star in 1988, with the triumph of the action thriller Die Hard. Willis's subsequent success, including roles in Pulp Fiction, The Sixth Sense, along with his wedding to starlet Demi Moore, guaranteed that he stayed one of the most recognizable performers of his generation. The Expendables, Red, and Moonrise Kingdom are among his latest features.
Bruce Willis found playing dead to be rather painless. When he went on to feature in "The Sixth Sense," the actor secured an enormously lucrative contract for himself. Along with a $20 million compensation, he bargained for 18% of the movie's worldwide box office income and extra rights to the film's home video sales, according to Thrillist. These values total $115 million for Willis from just one picture.
Movie: The Sixth Sense
Salary: $115 million