Brugmansia, also known as Angel's trumpet, Floripondios, and Moonflowers, is a genus of tropical plants with dangling, trumpet-shaped flowers that vary in size, scent intensity, and bloom color (pink, yellow, white, and red) depending on the species.
Brugmansia flowers predominantly in the spring, summer, and fall, depending on the variety. Some Brugmansia plants bloom continuously, while others bloom every six to eight weeks and only produce flowers when the weather is chilly. Individual species have different temperature preferences.
Brugmansia, which is native to South America, is no longer found in the wild, but it can be grown as a houseplant, tree, or herbaceous shrub, depending on your personal preferences and geographical area.
Brugmansia is frequently confused for and closely related to Datura. It was formerly thought to be a member of that genus. The funnel-like flowers of Brugmansia, on the other hand, hang down to the earth, whilst the blossoms of Datura point up to the sky.