
SM Entertainment established Bubble as a way for their artists to engage with fans. Lysn is the name of the Bubble app for SM groups, and JYP Entertainment artists have their own app called "JYP Bubble." Fans can pay to enter an artist's bubble and enjoy app-exclusive material from their favorite artists. You can browse and download an artist's images, films, and audio notes when you pay to subscribe to them.
You may also message that artist, but you're restricted to three messages at a time and a character cap based on how long you've been on the app: 30 characters for the first 49 days, 50 characters after that, and so on. Artists, like on Universe, see these messages in what is essentially a giant group chat and respond to the entire group, but they cannot directly respond to a fan.
For fans, the user interface appears to be a personal conversation between you and the artist. Bubble for JYP recently added a live streaming capability. Lysn does not create original material, enable fan-to-fan contact, or offer store access. To have access to all artist content, you must pay. Similarly to the Universe, communicating with an artist is one-sided.