Buffalo Soldiers
"Buffalo Soldiers" (2001) is a darkly comedic Berlin Wall drama revolving around Ray Elwood. An American soldier stationed in West Germany, Elwood finds himself entangled in a web of corruption, black market dealings, and criminal activities within the military base. As the Berlin Wall teeters on the brink of collapse, Elwood's illicit schemes become increasingly perilous, leading to a series of dangerous and morally ambiguous choices.
In the midst of a divided Berlin, the film captures the gritty and surreal atmosphere of the time period. The cinematography portrays the stark contrasts between the strict military discipline and the seedy underbelly of the base. The visuals effectively convey the tension and uncertainty of the era, juxtaposing the mundane routines of military life with the escalating chaos surrounding the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Against the backdrop of this atmospheric aesthetic, "Buffalo Soldiers" examines themes of corruption, disillusionment,and the destructive nature of power - and, from there, slowly revealing consequences of an unchecked military industrial complex during times of political transition. It offers a scathing critique of the destructive impact of American imperialism and the dehumanizing effects of war, demonstrating how individuals can be swept up in a system that values personal gain over principles.
Release: 2001
Stars: Joaquin Phoenix, Anna Paquin, Ed Harris
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 73%