Building E-Commerce Solutions with WooCommerce
The eighth book in the list of best books in WordPress focuses solely on utilizing WordPress for eCommerce with the free WooCommerce plugin. The book was likewise given a high rating of 4.1/5 stars.
This simple and practical guide will show the reader how to get the most out of WooCommerce so they can set up and operate their own online business. Installing WooCommerce is simple, but this guide will walk through all of the options. After that, the readers' populate the store with items, payment methods, and delivery options. They may then modify the look and feel of their business by adding themes. They'll learn how to utilize discount coupons, process orders, see reports, and even expand the functionality of your business with new plugins once it's up and running.
This book, unlike others, is a few years old, but it still stands up. The reader may use it to swiftly learn WooCommerce and become a WooCommerce all-rounder. It covers everything from getting started with WooCommerce's wizard to customizing eCommerce with WooCommerce's core capabilities, plugins, and themes. It also includes advice on how to operate and maintain the shop.
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