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Business Analysis: Function Modelling Using IDEF0

The IDEF0 graphical language is an ISO/IEC/IEEE 31320-1:2012 International Standard for information modeling. IDEF0 is a structured modeling method that lets you visualize the many levels of granularity of functions (also known as activities and processes), their inputs, outputs, mechanisms, and controls. As a result, IDEF0 will be a valuable addition to your repertoire of information modeling and representation strategies.

This course will teach you how to use IDEF0 in a practical setting. The course covers all of the necessary explanations surrounding the basic and most widely used building pieces of the graphical language, including their meaning and use. As a result, a variety of examples and case studies are presented, analyzed, and solved in order to offer you with the most up-to-date application knowledge of IDEF0. You'll also learn how to present your models in a useful way. There are numerous downloadable resources available, including Microsoft Visio templates, fully-worked solutions, photos, and slides, among others.

This course is primarily aimed towards business analysts, information modellers, data analysts, systems engineers, design engineers, and other professionals who have never worked with IDEF0 before. You are also invited to enroll in the course if you are interested in visual information representation.

What you will learn

  • Apply the IDEF0 graphical language to any activity, process, or function, at any level of detail, to model inputs, outputs, mechanisms, and controls.
  • Model IDEF0 diagrams using Microsoft Visio or another equivalent diagramming tool.
  • Present IDEF0 models to stakeholders and peers for maximum visual impact.
  • Create a visual representation of both functional and non-functional requirements, as well as user stories.
  • Recognize the advantages of IDEF0 modeling and the associated best practices.

Who this course is for

  • Beginner to expert Business Analysts who have never worked with IDEF0 before.
  • Involved in information modeling are design and manufacturing engineers.
  • Software product managers and agile product owners who need to know how to describe system functions and information flows using structured methodologies.


  • Have a good understanding of what business analysis, information modeling, and systems engineering are all about.
  • Some understanding of the vocabulary used in the information systems and engineering domains.
  • It's ideal if you've used at least one type of graphical modeling tool in the past, such as flowcharts or diagrams.
  • It's best if you have Microsoft Visio installed, but any software product that lets you to work with boxes, angled connectors, and text should suffice. You can also use a pen and paper if you choose.

Instructor: Tish Chungoora

Udemy rate: 4.2/5.0, (215 ratings)

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