Buzzer Beater
"Buzzer Beater" is a Japanese basketball-themed anime and manga series by Takehiko Inoue, the same mangaka who authored "Slam Dunk." However, "Buzzer Beater" offers a unique world where basketball is played by various species, including humans and aliens.
The story takes place in the year 2099, when Earth has become a hub for intergalactic alien species and basketball has become an interstellar sport. "Buzzer Beater" follows the adventures of Hideyoshi, a human who is an exceptionally skilled basketball player, and his team, the Satellite Scorpions. Together, they compete in the Intergalactic League, where they face alien teams with unique abilities and talents.
The series explores themes of teamwork, sportsmanship, determination, and the power of unity. It showcases how individuals from diverse backgrounds and species can come together to achieve common goals through basketball.
"Buzzer Beater" is appreciated for its unique blend of science fiction and sports elements. It's often recommended to fans of basketball anime looking for something different and out-of-the-ordinary within the genre.
Studios: TMS Entertainment
Genres: Sci-Fi, Sports
Theme: Team Sports