Caligula’s extravagance was part of his failure as a leader
Most of Caligula's improvements to ports and other facilities were eclipsed by his lifestyle. He spent lavishly and was driven to establish himself as an opulent leader. First, he erected pricey temples to ensure that his followers revered him. One of the reasons Caligula was an unsuccessful emperor was that, at the time of his accession, he lacked the necessary professional skills. When Tiberius passed away in 37 AD, his will was soon ignored, and Caligula with the help of Macro was declared the only emperor.
His Julian ancestry and his father's renown, he gained popularity among the Roman populace thanks to Germanicus. Caligula also sponsored lavish cultural and athletic events to sway the populace in his favor. He constructed a floating bridge to disprove one of the prophesies because he disregarded most of them. Such reckless behavior put a strain on the state's economy and compelled the administration to ask the public for financial support.