Can houseplants help the quality of air in my house?
NASA conducted a research in the 1980s and discovered that numerous houseplants may enhance the air quality in a small room in a residence. It seems to reason that having a lot of plants in your home will improve the quality of the air you breathe while inside. If you are willing to care for a large number of houseplants and want to decorate your home in a natural fashion, this might make a significant impact in your mental and general health. Of course, it is not as simple as simply placing some potted plants about and reaping the advantages.
You must select the plants with care. In this post, we will discuss if there are any genuine benefits to having indoor houseplants in terms of good air, as well as which plants you should consider. NASA discovered that certain plants had a significant enough influence to warrant further investigation. In other words, not every plant will purify the air. Of course, any plant is preferable to none at all, but some will have a greater influence than others. For example, NASA identified ficus and snake plants as having qualities that sucked in polluted air and released clean oxygen in its place, improving the air quality in the room significantly.