Cape Penduline Tit - Average Length: 3.1 inches
More remarkable than the world's tiniest bird is the Cape Penduline Tit. These birds measure about 3.1 inches in length. They are grayish-yellow in hue, and can be found from the southernmost tip of South Africa up into Angola in the east and Zimbabwe in the west. They live in shrub plains and deserts, building their roosts and nests in tall, thorny trees. Their clever nests, which resemble wastebaskets and have a hatch that they can close with a foot, are very impressive.
These about 3-inch long birds are unusual in that they form family groups of three to four to aid with egg-laying and child-rearing yet only mate monogamously. Their main sources of food are fruits, larva, and insects. They have even been seen to steal food from spiderwebs, which is risky given that spiders frequently fall into the same weight category as humans.