Carnac Megalithic Standing Stones
Carnac Megalithic Standing Stones is one of the most beautiful historical sites in France.
Over 3000 megalithic standing stones have remained in the Carnac area since the pre-Celtic inhabitants of Brittany constructed them an unknown number of millennia ago. The collection includes both solitary stones (menhirs) and interesting groupings (dolmens). The largest such alignment is made up of 12 converging rows of stone that run for a kilometer and conclude with a stone circle. The biggest stones are to the west, while the tiniest are to the east.
What is the function of such stones, you may wonder? Nobody knows, to be honest. According to local mythology, Merlin once turned a Roman army passing through Carnac into stone and left them there. Historians and scientists believe the stones served as calendars, keeping track of the seasons and the moon. Their exact purpose is unknown, but the mystery certainly adds to the visitor experience.
Location: Carnac, France