Carrier Falcon Princess
Korean manhwa "Carrier Falcon Princess" was written and illustrated by Ahn Soo-ji. The narrative follows the adventures of a young princess named Yeon-hwa in a realm inspired by ancient Korea. Yeon-hwa was endowed from birth with the unusual capacity to converse with carrier falcons, a talent highly prized in her realm. As the plot develops, Yeon-hwa's tranquil existence is disturbed when an army from another country threatens her kingdom. Yeon-hwa, who is compelled to leave her home, sets out on a dangerous quest to recruit allies and save her people. She encounters a variety of people along the road, including other seasoned fighters, strong aristocrats, and even a dragon.
"Carrier Falcon Princess" addresses themes of bravery, loyalty, and the struggle for power in a world where magic and tradition are highly valued through its magnificent artwork, dramatic battles, and captivating characters. With Yeon-hwa transcending female stereotypes and expectations to become a strong combatant and leader, the manhwa also gives a novel and novel interpretation of the conventional princess narrative. In conclusion, "Carrier Falcon Princess" is an exciting and engrossing manhwa that gives readers a novel perspective on Korean historical fantasy. It is a well-known and adored work in the genre thanks to its strong female protagonist and themes of empowerment.
Genre: Historical, Romance
Status: Ongoing
Author: Han Ryui
Publisher: Toomics
Chapters: 77