Cat Culture
Water and dry cat food bowls can be found along the sidewalks and the sides of buildings everywhere. The cats are not formally adopted; instead, they are cared for by a large community of cat lovers. Don't be surprised if one climbs into your lap. They are so common that you can find them at a café table, lying behind cars, slinking between graveyards, and sunbathing on benches.
Turkey's affinity for cats has enigmatic origins. However, one of the reasons cats are so well-treated could be related to Islam. Cats are permitted to enter homes and places of worship because they are thought to be clean creatures. A well-known hadith (Muhammad's sayings) describes a woman who was sentenced to hell for failing to feed and water her cat. Watch "Kedi," a wonderful film that follows seven street cats and the people who care for them, to learn more about Istanbul and its unique relationship with cats.