Founded in 1909-1910 by Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, the Chanel name is known as one of the proudest high-end fashion brands of the French fashion industry. More than any other brand, Chanel carries all the quintessence of the old classic.
Coco Chanel designed the first bag in 1929. But like other bags for upper-class women at that time, the bag was portable and quite bulky. In February 1955, she released a shoulder bag version. Maybe Coco Chanel didn't know that she was completely changing the history of handbags. For the first time, women of social status carried a bag on their shoulders. For the first time, women of social status carried a bag on their shoulders.
This brand has inherited and developed strongly with exquisite products. Minimalist but no less trendy with a high price. Expensive handbags from Chanel are always the leading fashion icons and are chosen by women. Most of the world's celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman, Vanessa Paradis and Keira Knightly are extremely confident in choosing products from Chanel.
Brand Country: Paris, France
Headquarters: London, UK
Net Worth: $ 7.53 Billion
Brand's Products: Handbags, Belts, Sunglasses, etc.