Launched in 2014 in the land of KimChi, the Korean Local brand Charm's quickly became a popular fashion phenomenon. The characteristic of this brand is the design style that is a bit dynamic, youthful, and fun. Charm's style catches up with the current fashion trend of Unisex design, so they launch non-gendered clothes with their own imprint on the market. That's why this Korean Local brand is always loved by believers.
In particular, Charm's brand became explosive when collaborating with Key (a member of the famous group SHINee) to launch classic designs of the 1990s. This helped Local brands Charm's reach out and become a brand name hot all over the world.
Featured products: Charm signature boucle hoodie (3color)
Detailed information:
Address: 3F CHARMS 9, Eonju-ro 170-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Republic of Korea
Instagram: @official_charms - @charms_daily
Facebook: @officialcharms