The cheetah is a big cat that is indigenous to central Iran and Africa. According to estimates, it can run at speeds between 80 and 128 km/h, making it the fastest terrestrial animal. Cheetah activity peaks at dawn and dusk but is constant throughout the day. It likes medium-sized ungulates like impala, springbok, and Thomson's gazelles and feeds on small- to medium-sized prey, most commonly weighing under 40 kg (88 lb). The cheetah normally stalks its victim up to a distance of 60 to 70 meters (200 to 230 feet), then charges at it, trips it while pursuing it, and bites its throat to suffocate it.
A cheetah might kill a badger since they are strong, swift, and have a lethal bite. They may, however, avoid an animal (a badger) that poses a threat to their faces and eyes and isn't fleeing. In addition, a cheetah is more cautious and has weaker jaws.