The cheetah is a big cat that is indigenous to central Iran and Africa. The cheetah normally stalks its victim up to a distance of 60 to 70 meters (200 to 230 feet), then charges at it, trips it while pursuing it, and bites its throat to suffocate it. The Serengeti's savannahs, the Sahara's arid mountain ranges, and Iran's steep desert terrain are just a few of the diverse habitats where cheetahs can be found.
Big meat eaters, and cheetahs, can be particularly hazardous aardvark predators. Cheetahs have been known to consume aardvarks if the conditions are good, though they do prefer eating species like wildebeests, guineafowl, grey duikers, impalas, kudus, or gazelles. So one of the predators of aardvarks that eat aardvarks is cheetahs. In order to escape other predators, cheetahs typically stalk their prey throughout the day. They hunt by using their keen eyes to spot their prey, and they frequently stalk it for a time before chasing it.
If a cheetah decides to pursue an aardvark, it will probably first stalk it for a short while before launching into a swift pursuit. Because of cheetahs' renown for speed, an aardvark stands little chance of ever evading them in a direct chase. The only genuine opportunity for an aardvark to flee from a cheetah is during this brief window when they can sustain their full speed. Aardvarks, on the other hand, can dig swiftly, giving them another option for defending themselves from a cheetah. Aardvarks also have extremely tough skin, which makes them less appealing as a food source in the wild because it is difficult for animals to chew on.