Chichén Itzá
Despite its massive crowds, Chichén Itzá, which means "mouth of the well of the Itzáes" in Mayan, is the most beautiful ruin well worth seeing for its outstanding, iconic buildings and historical significance.
Chichén Itzá is a Pre-Columbian city in Cancun, Mexico, with Mayan ruins and ancient archaeological sites. This attraction, located on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, attracts millions of visitors each year from all over the world. This UNESCO World Heritage Site attracts to tourists of all ages, with most spending roughly two hours exploring this intriguing insight into the past.
During the spring equinox, visitors to Chichén Itzá are treated to a famous light-and-shadow spectacle on the facade of the Temple of Kukulcán. Passing light and shadows on the equinox day create the illusion of a feathered snake slithering down the side of the pyramid. The city also has unique acoustical characteristics, beautiful sculptures, and magnificent mosaics.