Chief Clancy Wiggum

Chief Clancy Wiggum is a fictional character from the animated television series The Simpsons, voiced by Hank Azaria. He is the chief of police in Springfield, the show's setting, and the father of Ralph Wiggum and the husband of Sarah Wiggum. Wiggum is a glutton, irresponsible, and immature character who is often too lazy and cowardly to fight crime. Eddie and Lou, his more responsible subordinate officers, play the straight men to his shenanigans. Matt Groening's mother's maiden name is "Wiggum". Wiggum was designed to look like a pig as a "conscious pun".

Chief Wiggum is descended from Irish immigrants. Wiggum's father, Iggy, served in Abe Simpson's infantry squad, implying that the Wiggums arrived in America by the early 1940s. In the episode "Mother Simpson", a teenage Wiggum was a trainee security guard at Springfield University when Homer's mother Mona sabotaged Mr. Burns' biological weapons laboratory. Wiggum's asthma was cured by the antibiotics used to kill the weapons, allowing him to join the police force. Despite his obvious incompetence, Wiggum has occasionally assisted other characters, such as Lisa Simpson in locating Mr. Burns' assailant in "Who Shot Mr. Burns?" and supporting her in a school protest in "The President Wore Pearls". Wiggum is also shown to be a loving father of his son Ralph. Although Wiggum can often antagonize others as well, it is heavily implied that it is not out of malice but merely because he is doing his job or because he is ignorant of the situation.

First appearance: Homer's Odyssey (1990)

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Top 10 Best Simpsons Characters of All Time

  1. top 1 Homer Simpson
  2. top 2 Mr. Burns
  3. top 3 Krusty the Clown
  4. top 4 Milhouse Van Houten
  5. top 5 Principal Seymour Skinner
  6. top 6 Marge Simpson
  7. top 7 Chief Clancy Wiggum
  8. top 8 Troy McClure
  9. top 9 Grampa Simpson
  10. top 10 Bart Simpson

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