
Chopicalqui is a Peruvian peak in the Cordillera Blanca region of the Andes. It is located in the Yungay Province of Ancash, between the Huascarán and Contrahierbas mountains. Chopicalqui is one of the more accessible 6,000-meter summits in the Cordillera Blanca, and is easier to climb than adjacent peaks such as Huascarán, Huandoy, and Huantsan. As a result, it is a popular peak for inexperienced climbers, making it one among the most popular – and occasionally crowded – ascents.
People usually start in Huaraz and go to Yungay to reach Chopicaliqui's base camp, as they do with most of these climbs. Climbers travel to Yungay, about 45 kilometers north of Huaraz, before entering Huascarán National Park and setting up base camps for Chopicalqui and Huascarán.
Location: Yungay Province of Ancash
Elevation: 6,345 m
Range: Cordillera Blanca