Circulus, a dynamic South Korean robotics company, introduces a captivating social interactive consumer robot named Pibo. This compact humanoid marvel, equipped with a 10DoF structure and powered by the Circulus OS and a Quad-core CPU chipset, encapsulates the future of interactive technology. Pibo is a multifaceted companion capable of enthralling functions like storytelling, music playback, alarm setting, and weather updates. Its prowess extends further with an OLED display, a powerful 3W speaker, MEMS microphone, camera, PIR sensor, and vibration sensor, all integrated seamlessly.
The innovation doesn't end there. Pibo enthusiasts can dive into a companion mobile application that enhances the user experience. This remarkable robot's potential is boundless, as users can tweak it to facilitate speech and face recognition, and even control other cloud-based functionalities. Furthermore, Pibo's adaptability spans across controlling diverse objects, from printers and displays to USB memory. Circulus emerges as a visionary force, blending advanced technology and social interaction to usher in a new era of consumer robotics.
Detailed information:
- Founded: 2016
- Headquarters: Bucheon-si, South Korea
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