Cleopatra VII

Cleopatra VII is definitely one of the most famous and influential queens in world history. She was the last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt and ruled from 51 BC to 30 BC. Cleopatra VII is widely recognized for her intelligence, political savvy, and beauty, and her reign was marked by several major achievements that have contributed to her lasting legacy.

One of her greatest achievements was her role in transforming Alexandria into a major center of learning, culture, and commerce. During her reign, she sponsored the construction of numerous monumental buildings, including the Pharos Lighthouse, which was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. She also established a library in Alexandria, which became one of the largest and most comprehensive in the world, and attracted some of the greatest minds of the day, including Archimedes and Euclid.

The queen is also famous for her relationships with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, two of the most powerful men of her time. Her affair with Caesar led to the birth of a son, Caesarion, who she hoped would become the next ruler of Egypt. Her alliance with Mark Antony was even more significant, as it brought her into direct conflict with Octavian, who would eventually become the first emperor of Rome and lay the foundations for the Roman Empire.

Cleopatra's political skills and strategic thinking were also instrumental in maintaining the independence of Egypt during a time of great uncertainty and change. She was a skilled negotiator and diplomat, and her negotiations with Rome helped preserve the independence of her kingdom, even as the Roman Empire expanded its reach.

Age: 51 BC - 30 BC
Country: Ancient Egypt

  • Transformed Alexandria into a center of learning, culture, and commerce
  • Sponsored construction of the Pharos Lighthouse
  • Established the Library of Alexandria
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