Clothing Etiquette
Clothing Etiquette is also one of the Tongan culture, customs, and etiquette that you should know before traveling to Tonga. To respect the people of Tonga, be aware of the customs there. What you can wear in public and what you can do on Sunday are among the most important Tongan traditions. In tourist lodgings, you can very much wear whatever you want, but when you're out in public, be careful what you wear. Try to avoid wearing anything too exposing because Tongans value respectable attire. In Tongan culture, wearing full black signifies that you are in mourning; if this is not the case for you, try to refrain from doing so.
Swimwear should be confined to your accommodation’s beach or swimming pool. When on public beaches, cover off your swimsuit with a T-shirt, rash guard, and shorts because Tongans swim totally dressed (especially when not swimming). Both men and women must cover their knees and shoulders when attending a church service. It's also polite to dress more formally, such as with a dress for women or a shirt for males. The church is not the place for hats.