Coach is a premium design firm based in the United States that specializes in handbags, luggage, accessories, and ready-to-wear. Coach was started in 1941 in New York City as a family enterprise by six leather workers. As one of America's premier handbag businesses, that attention to quality is still evident. Bucket, carryall, crossbody, courier bag, hobo, satchel, tote, and clutch styles are available in leather and trademark canvas type handbags.
The most prominent product line of this fashion business is handbags. Furthermore, Coach is not just for ladies, but also for guys. Coach's goods still have traditional and elegant qualities, but they also have a youthful and modern look. Coach's items must be of high quality. The majority of them are made of leather, which is both delicate and durable. Coach's design and quality have helped the company establish a solid presence in the global fashion sector.
The Whiplash handbag is one of Coach's most notable purses, with the design of the Whiplash handbag signaling the return of a striking, unique style with hand-knitted leather straps on the main block Pebble leather. The artisans worked tirelessly for three hours to create the "whiplashed" braid, which added a splash of color to the bag. Ranger is the most recent Coach bag created by Stuart Vevers. This is a design for women who like lightness, grace, and elegance. Ranger handbags are constructed of high-quality cowhide with a natural smooth shine that assures long-lasting sturdiness.
As of 2013, Coach has a brand worth of $3.2 billion and around 1,000 stores/retail points worldwide, including North America, Japan, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Korea, and Europe, ranking 10th among the world's most prominent fashion companies.
Detail information:
Price: ~$150 - $1000