Code: Breaker
The anime series "Code:Breaker" is categorized as an action, supernatural, and school show. The narrative centers on Sakura Sakurakouji, a high school student who sees a mystery boy set ablaze victims with blue flames. Rei Ogami, a Code: Breaker—an assassin with mystical abilities who dispatches evildoers—is the boy in question. Sakura believes there is more to Rei than meets the eye and is determined to learn the truth behind his deeds despite his icy and harsh exterior.
13 episodes of the "Code:Breaker" anime adaptation were shown from October to December 2012. It is based on the Akimine Kamijyo manga series, which he wrote and illustrated. Yasuhiro Irie, known for his work on various anime series like "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" and "Kurau Phantom Memory," is the director of "Code:Breaker." His direction gives the show a blend of action, mystical components, and character growth.
Following the customary length for most anime episodes, each episode lasts roughly 24 minutes on average. "Code:Breaker" addresses issues of justice, morality, and the intricacies of human nature while fusing violent action scenes with supernatural abilities. The show depicts the character growth and development of Sakura and Rei in particular as they negotiate a world of covert groups and subversive goals. If you want your action-packed anime with a dash of the paranormal and mystery, "Code:Breaker" makes for an exciting and captivating watch.
Genres: Action, Supernatural, School
Director: Yasuhiro Irie
Episodes: 13 episodes
Episode Duration: Approximately 24 minutes per episode.
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