Come Closer

Come Closer, a horrifying novella written by Sara Gran and first published in 2003, can be consumed in a single sitting. Gran nails it in Come Closer — eerie and unsettling, the fear builds up steadily, and you may find yourself flipping through the pages with bated breath to see out what will happen.
You've probably done something and then forgotten about it at some time in your life. Come Closer, Sara Gran's strange and creepy tale opens with her being summoned to her boss's office to explain a series of highly unpleasant remarks scribbled on a report she gave to him. Later that night, a steady yet faint tapping can be heard throughout her and her husband's home. What follows is a series of events that will keep you up at night, flipping page after page as fear seeps into your bones.
Detailed information:
Author: Sara Gran
Genre: Sci-Fi, Horror
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