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Computer Vision Masterclass

Computer Vision is an Artificial Intelligence subfield that focuses on developing computers that can process, interpret, and recognize visual input in a manner comparable to the human eye. There are several businesses uses in fields like security, marketing, decision-making, and production. Smartphones utilize computer vision to unlock devices via facial recognition; self-driving vehicles use it to detect pedestrians and maintain a safe distance from other cars, and security cameras use it to determine whether there are humans in the area for the alarm to be activated.

This course will teach you all you need to know to get started in this world. You will learn how to implement the 14 (fourteen) major computer vision techniques step by step. If you have never heard of computer vision, you will have a practical overview of all the topics at the end of this course. This is one of the best online courses to learn computer vision.

Who is this course is for:

  • Beginners who are starting to learn Computer Vision
  • Undergraduate students who are studying subjects related to Artificial Intelligence
  • People who want to solve their own problems using Computer Vision
  • Students who want to work in companies developing Computer Vision projects
  • People who want to know all areas inside Computer Vision, as well as know the problems that these techniques are able to solve
  • Anyone interested in Artificial Intelligence or Computer Vision
  • Data scientists who want to grow their portfolio
  • Professionals who want to understand how to apply Computer Vision to real projects


  • Programming logicBasic
  • Python programming

Udemy rating: 4.3/5

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