Conversation Etiquette
Feel free to talk about sports, television, and food when you're out with friends. Avoid criticizing anything that has to do with Korea, particularly Korean culture. Keep a cheerful attitude throughout the exchange. Commenting on the South Korean economy's growth or recent sporting victories will be positively appreciated because Koreans are very nationalistic and proud of their country. Another excellent icebreaker is to express interest in their culture by posing inquiries. If salary or other private matters are discussed in public, do not be startled; this is not as taboo as it is in North America.
In Korea, shaking hands with just one hand is considered impolite; two hands are preferred. Why is it viewed as impolite? This most likely dates back to the murky days of royal intrigue, when persons had to demonstrate with both hands that they were not concealing any hidden hazards, such a dagger or poison.
In Korea, there are various acceptable handshake techniques, all of which involve both hands. Shaking when holding both hands first The left hand should be placed on the right wrist, or between the wrist and elbow, if that isn't possible. Alternately, tuck the left arm under the right arm and around the waist.