CORE, or Connecting Repositories, is a groundbreaking academic search engine and repository aggregator that provides access to millions of open-access research papers and academic journals. Launched in 2013, CORE is a powerful resource for researchers, scholars, and students worldwide.
CORE aggregates content from a wide range of sources, including institutional repositories, subject-specific repositories, and open-access journals. Its vast collection spans various disciplines, offering a wealth of scholarly resources covering diverse topics.
What sets CORE apart is its commitment to open access, ensuring that users can freely access and download academic papers and journal articles. The platform's advanced search features and filters allow for precise and efficient research, while its recommendation system assists users in discovering relevant scholarly content.
CORE exemplifies the principles of open science and open access, fostering collaboration, innovation, and the dissemination of knowledge. For academics seeking an inclusive and comprehensive source of academic journals and research papers, CORE stands as a vital resource, promoting accessibility and the democratization of scholarly information.
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