CoroCoro Comic
CoroCoro Comic, often simply referred to as CoroCoro, is a highly influential Shonen Jump magazine primarily aimed at a younger audience, including children and pre-teens. It is known for its focus on manga series, video games, and other content that appeals to a young demographic.
CoroCoro is known for running exclusive promotions and giveaways, often featuring limited-edition items like collectible trading cards, posters, or in-game content for popular franchises. This magazine was first published in 1977 by Shogakukan Inc. Since then, it has become one of the most well-known and long-running manga magazines for children and adolescents in Japan.
The magazine features a wide variety of manga series, with a strong emphasis on genres like action, adventure, fantasy, and comedy. Some of the manga series that have gained popularity through CoroCoro include "Doraemon," "Pokémon Adventures," "Yokai Watch," and "Beyblade Burst." The magazine frequently hosts competitions, contests, and reader participation events related to video games, trading card games, and other hobbies popular among its readers. CoroCoro encourages reader submissions, including fan art, letters, and comments. It aims to create a sense of community and engagement among its young readers.
Publisher: Shogakukan
Founded: 1977
Circulation: 333,333