Corona Extra

The saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" is highly applicable to this particular beer brand. Despite the negative association of the word "Corona" with the COVID-19 pandemic, this has not diminished the brand's popularity in India. Corona Extra, produced by the Mexican brewery Cervecería Modelo, has established itself as a formidable brand, especially among the country's youth.
Owned by the Belgian brewing company AB InBev, Corona Extra is recognized as one of the finest beers available in India. Moreover, it has also gained a significant market share in the United States, where it ranks as a top-selling imported beer brand.
While Corona Extra, a pale lager, remains the most popular variant globally, it is worth noting that the brand offers other equally appealing options. These include Corona Light, Corona Premier, and Corona Familiar, which also enjoy substantial sales.
Beer enthusiasts should not overlook the delightful malty sweetness that Corona Extra offers. It pairs exceptionally well with burgers and spicy Indian dishes, making it a fantastic choice for those seeking a complement to their meals.
Headquarters: Mexico City, Mexico
Founded: 1925
Instagram: (891K followers)