
Corruption remains a major problem in Iraq and is a significant barrier to economic development and the delivery of basic services to the population. One of the main causes of corruption in Iraq is the lack of transparency and accountability in government and public institutions. This makes it easier for officials to engage in corrupt practices and for corruption to go undetected.

Another factor contributing to corruption in Iraq is the weakness of the country's legal and regulatory framework. Laws and regulations are often vague or not enforced, making it easier for corruption to occur.

The politicization of government institutions is also a major cause of corruption in Iraq. Politicians and parties have often used public institutions for their own benefit, rather than for the benefit of the country and its citizens.

The instability and violence caused by extremist groups such as ISIS have also contributed to corruption in Iraq. In areas controlled by these groups, corruption has become widespread as they have sought to control resources and exploit vulnerable populations.

Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash
Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash
Photo by Rob on Unsplash
Photo by Rob on Unsplash

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