Could Promote Weight Loss and May Help Prevent Cancer
Several studies show that hibiscus tea may help people lose weight and prevent obesity. In one research, 36 overweight people were given either hibiscus or a placebo. Hibiscus tea lowered body weight, body fat, body mass index, and hip-to-waist ratio after 12 weeks. The research found comparable results, noting that treating obese mice with hibiscus tea for 60 days resulted in weight loss. Currently, trials employing strong dosages of hibiscus tea are being conducted. More research is needed to discover how hibiscus tea affects weight reduction in humans.
Hibiscus is abundant in polyphenols, which have been demonstrated to have potent anti-cancer effects. In vitro research on the potential influence of hibiscus tea on cancer cells has yielded promising findings. Hibiscus tea inhibited cell proliferation and lowered the invasiveness of oral and plasma cell malignancies in one test-tube investigation. Another test-tube investigation found that hibiscus leaf extract inhibited the spread of human prostate cancer cells. In previous test-tube investigations, hibiscus tea has been proven to suppress stomach cancer cells by up to 52%.