Counterattack Through Pregnancy
"Counterattack Through Pregnancy" is an intriguing Manhua that weaves together themes of love, revenge, and second chances in a captivating storyline. The story revolves around a protagonist who not only has to contend with a rival in love but discovers that this rival has been reincarnated.
The tale takes a dark turn as the rival's life is plagued by tragedy - love lost, family deaths, the usurping of the family business, and even imprisonment. It seems like his streak of bad luck will never end. However, just when he expects a fresh start upon his release, an unexpected twist occurs.
The protagonist returns to life after prison and embarks on a mission of justice and revenge. Amidst this, a heartwarming element enters the story - the protagonist finding happiness with a child. "Counterattack Through Pregnancy" is a rollercoaster of emotions, showcasing how resilience and determination can lead to a satisfying counterattack against life's adversities, making it a must-read Manhua for fans of drama, romance, and personal triumph.
- Author: Haier
- Genres: Manhua, Comedy, Drama, Full Color, Romance, Shounen ai
- Status: Finished
- Chapters: 164
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