Coursera is an online learning website that has been precisely selected for its quality and versatility. The Stanford Online Learning Platform allows scholars to enroll in courses and gain degrees from some of the world's most prestigious sodalities and academic institutions, similar to Stanford, the University of Michigan, the University of Pennsylvania, and others, all via a single login. It is the policy of the university that every course be tutored by a senior member of the institution's faculty.
Every development course on Coursera is tutored by top preceptors from the world’s best universities and educational institutions. Each course lasts 4 to 6 weeks and includes both active participation and graded schoolwork assignments. The app development course for newcomers for free includes recorded videotape lectures, bus-graded and peer-reviewed assignments, and community discussion forums. When you complete a course on Coursera, you will be offered a range of awards, ranging from a certificate of completion to a completed degree in various fields.
Consider joining a Specialization if you want to master a specific career skill. You will complete a series of rigorous development courses, attack hands-on systems grounded on real business challenges, and earn a “ Specialization Certificate ” to partake with your professional network and implicit employers.